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Stefan Angelini is Joined by Mark Mazzarella to discuss investing into Listed Real Estate Invesments Trusts.
You'll find out how you can get access to some of Australia's best real estate assets and the why this might be the best investment type for you.

#Investing #Property #financialplanning #investortypes #angeladvisory

Listed PropertyMark Mazzarella
00:00 / 16:31

Click here for the Episode Transcription


Stefan Angelini is Joined by Paul Biddle from Celeste Funds Management to discuss investing into Australian Small Caps, or smaller companies.

#Investing #Property #financialplanning #investortypes #angeladvisory

Small Cap StockPaul Biddle
00:00 / 35:14

Click here for the Episode Transcription


Stefan Angelini is Joined by Blair Modica to discuss all things Index and ETF investing. You'll find out what people think is normally a boring and passive asset class, can become quite strategic and active.


#Investing #Indexfunds #ETF #financialplanning #investortypes #angeladvisory

Index/ ETFsBlair Modica
00:00 / 14:13

Click here for the Episode Transcription


Stefan Angelini is Joined by Jordan De Jong to discuss investing into Air BNB Rentals. You'll find out how you can get access to some of Australia's best real estate assets and the why this might be the best investment type for you.


#Investing #Property #financialPlanning #investorTypes #angelAdvisory

Air BNB RentalsJordan De Jong
00:00 / 20:47

Click here for the Episode Transcription


Stefan Angelini is Joined by Adam Curtis from Perpetual to discuss investing into Fixed Income, or put simply, lending your money like a bank. We dive deep into different types of debt, the risks you should take in the space and what returns you should expect.


Angel Advisory manages the wealth of high income earners and high net wealth individuals and families. Investing into different asset classes including this.


#financialplanning #investment #angeladvisory #finance #fixedincome

Fixed IncomeAdam Curtis
00:00 / 24:43

Click here for the Episode Transcription


Stefan Angelini is Joined by Damien Roylance to discuss investing into his Business. It is common for Business Owners to get to a point where they need to decide to either grow by reinvesting profits back into the business, or if they're happy with the current state of things and want to pull their money out. Join us as we explore the values of empowering your team, building a good culture and just focusing on growing.


#investing #investortypes #angeladvisory #financialplanning #business #businessowners

Business ReinvestmentDamien Roylance
00:00 / 28:31

Click here for the Episode Transcription


I got the chance to sit down with a #bitcoin #investor that started in the asset class in 2015. It's safe to say that he has now entrenched himself in the industry and become somewhat of an expert. Unfortunately we don't have a video for this one, but run over to our podcast and have a listen if you're interested in #Cryptocurrency as an investment.



00:00 / 22:40

Click here for the Episode Transcription


Stefan Angelini had the pleasure of sitting down with Mike Mortlock from MCG Quantity Surveyors on his Geared for Growth Podcast to talk about my Property Development Journey, Experiences and Learning. We talk about how I got started in property, why financial advisers normally HATE property, what returns you can expect from property development as well as the costs and steps in getting a project from an idea into a delivered product. If you're keen on property development, jump on my podcast or visit the Geared for Growth Podcast.


#property #propertydevelopment #investing #podcast #finance

Developing Property – Geared for Growth PodcastStefan Angelini
00:00 / 46:42

Click here for the Episode Transcription


Stefan Angelini is Joined by Chris Wheldon to discuss investing into International Stocks. Companies like Apple, Amazon, Facebook or Alphabet. Chris is the co-lead portfolio manager with Hamish Douglas on the international high-conviction strategy. They focus on finding the best 8-12 companies in the world for their investors. Join us was we discuss how he finds the best companies, his view in Exchange Rates in International Investing and even as he compares Tesla and Facebook.


#stocks #investing #financialplanning #internationalstocks

Investing Overseas – Finding Good BusinessChris Weldon
00:00 / 33:51

Click here for the Episode Transcription

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This website is published by Angel Advisory Pty Ltd. Stefan Angelini [AR 1249074]; Toan Nguyen [AR 442765]; Jules Ninh [AR 1263022]; Stefan Marchesani [AR 1002532] and Angel Advisory Pty Ltd [CAR 1277063] are authorised representatives of Synchron Advice Pty Ltd (ABN 33 007 207 650), AFSL 243313. The information contained in this website and any of the resources available through it including eBooks, fact sheets and seminars (‘Content’) has been prepared for general information purposes only and is not (and cannot be construed or relied upon as) personal advice. No investment objectives, financial circumstances or needs of any individual have been taken into consideration in the preparation of the Content. Financial products entail risk of loss, may rise and fall, and are impacted by a range of market and economic factors, and you should always obtain professional advice to ensure trading or investing in such products is suitable for your circumstances. Under no circumstances will any of Angel Advisory Pty Ltd, Synchron Advice Pty Ltd, its officers, representatives, associates or agents be liable for any loss or damage, whether direct, incidental or consequential, caused by reliance on or use of the Content. This Content is restricted to Australian residents and is for the intended recipient only. From time to time, Angel Advisory Pty Ltd representatives or associates may hold interests in or transact in companies or products mentioned herein, and may receive fees or other benefits, in connection with the making of any recommendation or facilitating a transaction in such companies or products

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The information contained herein is of a general nature only and does not constitute personal advice. You should not act on any recommendation without considering your personal needs, circumstances, and objectives. We recommend you obtain professional financial advice specific to your circumstances. You should read any relevant Product Disclosure Statements before making an investment decision.

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